Too Old, Too Cold

Nothing to prove
Just a hellish rock n' roll freak
You call your metal black?
Its just plastic lame and weak
We're too old, too cold
Too old and too cold

Second to none
Like an angel unfucking born
Done with people
It's done
Your attitude
It's stillborn
We're too old, too fucking cold

(poésie primitive norvégienne de Gylve Fenris Nagell, retrouvée par le professeur Aloysius Bernhardus et publiée dans l'anthologie "Tales of true grimness: the lost battlefield poetry of the ancient Norses")


2 commentaires:

  1. Anonyme said,


    "graveyard sluuuuut" ;-)

    on 5:15 PM

  2. Olivier Lamm said,

    c'est pas POSSIBLE j'ai un morceau qui s'appelle graveyard slut depuis genre quatre mois

    on 9:57 AM

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